Thanatophobia: The Fear of Death

By America Lopez, Talon Staff Co-editor

We’ve all dealt with the issue of death, whether it be a passing thought or something that plagues us in our everyday lives. Thanatophobia is the fear of death, and it is probably one of the most rational phobias out there. We all want to know what happens after our passing and the uncertainty that comes with that gives us an uneasy feeling. As flawed humans, we have an overwhelming urge to know everything. But, would you really want to know when and how you would die? Isaiah 21:4 is almost like a warning of overthinking death and it’s guarantee, “my mind reels, horror overwhelms me; The twilight I longed for has been turned for me into trembling.”

I first made death’s acquaintance at the age of six. My grandfather had passed from a heart attack and my mother, as if her grief weren’t enough, had to explain to me the realistic and painful nature of death. Of course, as a young child, I still didn’t fully understand. I half expected my grandfather to come back like I had read in my Beginner’s Bible about Jesus.

Sadly, the truth soon became apparent. I wondered what would become of him and what would happen when my mom passed, or even when I did. I became increasingly frightened by time I might not have. As a six year old, these aren’t things you should be dealing with.

Fear of death has been immortalized in a vast number of movies, books, and poetry. Emily Dickson was known for the way she wrote of death. She lived in a time where death was not to be feared, but was natural and expected.

However, I’m not sure we should focus so much of our attention and time on death. We aren’t God and we shouldn’t and can’t know the things that He does.

Psalms 23:4 “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”